Never miss the latest breaking news, your favorite sporting event, or the most up-to-date weather forecast again. Stay plugged in with the Studio Z PRT-742 AM/FM/WB 3-Band Compact Portable World Radio Receiver.
This radio receiver is an AM/FM/WB radio receiver that is perfect for home use. It’s designed with a 3.5mm headphone output for personalized listening in the comfort of your own home. This radio receiver is compact and at a portable size, making it a great accessory to take on road trips, while camping, and more.
This receiver has an excellent range and is high sensitivity. All in all, this is a nostalgic way to listen to music, sporting events, news broadcasts, and more. Stay plugged into the world with the Studio Z PRT-742 AM/FM/WB 3-Band Compact Portable World Radio Receiver.
Product Highlights
- AM, FM, and WB radio receiver equipped with an external antenna is excellent for home use
- 3.5-millimeter headphone output for personalized listening to relax and get away in quiet areas
- Compact, portable size with a built-in handle made for easy transport or carry anywhere
- High-sensitivity receiver can extract and calculate positions from weak signals for a clear listening experience
- Great way to listen to music, sporting events, news broadcasts, and more when on the go