Over the Moon is the first animated film from Netflix. The heartfelt film follows a young girls mission to the moon. This pillow buddy is a soft cuddly replica of the rocket used to get her there. This pillow is so soft and adorable your children will play with it all day and snuggle with it all night. This pillow is generously sized measuring 17.5 inches by 13.5 inches by 7.5 inches. The material of the shell is 100% polyester. The filling is also 100% polyester. This item is spot clean only.
Product Highlights
- Netflix Over the Moon Rocket Pillow Buddy
- Featuring: Over the Moon Rocket
- Size: 17.5 x 13.5 x 7.5 inches
- Shell Material: 100% Polyester
- Fill Material: 100% Polyester
- Spot Clean Only