While investigating the robbery of a New York art museum, Spider-Man and Mary Jane Watson find themselves closing in on Felicia Hardy, aka Black Cat. A new storyline featuring the master thief, new enemies and perilous danger takes Spider-Man and Mary Jane Watson deep into the city’s shadowy world of crime families.
New Missions, Classic Villains
Battle classic Spider-Man Super Villains in the first of three new story chapters for Marvel’s Spider-Man. Finally come face-to-face with Black Cat in a series of missions that will test Spider-Man’s abilities, and thwart new dangerous enemy factions bent on ruling the criminal underbelly.
Bonus Suits and Collectibles
Unlock three new suits, including a brand-new, original suit designed exclusively for Marvel’s Spider-Man. Discover new collectibles and earn new trophies from challenges as Spider-Man tracks down Black Cat.
A City In Fear
Follow the in-game social media feeds as citizens voice their fears and opinions on the sudden rise of robberies. Tune in to Just the Facts to hear J. Jonah Jameson’s theories that connect Spider-Man to the crimes.
Product Highlights
- New Missions, Classic Villains
- Bonus Suits and Collectibles
- 1 player, DUALSHOCK®4