Teach your kid to ride a bike faster and easier with the Little Tikes My First Balance-to-Pedal Bike. This all-new balance bike transitions easily between Balance Mode and Pedal Mode and back again so your kid can learn to ride at their own speed. The pedals simply flip into the bike’s frame and there are no training wheels or excess screws to keep track of. Both the handlebars and seat are adjustable, so the My First Balance-to-Pedal Bike grows as your kid does and is easy to transition to riders of different skill levels and heights. The durable steel frame and special EVA foam tires (that never go flat) mean that you’ll have less to worry about and your kid can focus on practicing their riding. Get your kid up and riding today with the My First Balance-to-Pedal Bike from Little Tikes!
Product Highlights
Unique, single gear balance bike design with pedals that fold in and out so your little boy or girl can learn to ride a bike faster. - EASY TO TRANSFORM –
Assembles and switches back and forth between Balance Mode and Pedal Mode with ease and only an Allen wrench included. - RIDE WITH CONFIDENCE –
Adjustable seat and handlebars so your kid can ride feeling confident on the same bike they learn to ride on. My First Balance-to-Pedal Bike grows as your kid does. - NO FLAT TIRES! –
Durable tires made from EVA foam that never go flat so you don’t have to worry about pumping bicycle tires anymore. - LEARN TO RIDE SAFELY-
Bike operates with classic coaster brakes by rotating pedals in reverse.