Transformers Age of Extinction First Edition Optimus Prime A new era in the epic Transformers saga begins with Transformers Age of Extinction. Three years after the Battle of Chicago, the war between the Autobots and Decepticons rages on with the fate of Earth hanging in the balance. This First Edition Optimus Prime figure is the first to feature the Autobot Leader39s reimagined design featured in the fourth live-action Transformers movie. The Autobots were perilously close to a destiny-altering defeat in the Battle of Chicago. Their leader, Optimus Prime, suffered heavy damage, but managed to survive the battle, dealing a crushing blow to his arch-nemesis Megatron in the process. While the Decepticon leader may have fallen, new threats have risen in his place. If the Autobots are to defend the planet they have sworn to protect, they must find a way to defeat powerful new enemies. In a world where their standing is more uncertain than ever, one thing remains constant their unyielding leader, Optimus Prime, will be at the forefront of the coming battle. Changes in 15 StepsThis 10-inch-tall Optimus Prime figure converts from a robot warrior to a semi truck and back again. Change from robot to truck mode in 15 steps and roll out. Reverse the same 15 steps to change back to robot mode and gear up for battle with the included Sword of Judgment and Sentinel Shield. It39s the first Optimus Prime figure to feature the Autobot Leader39s look from Transformers Age of Extinction.
Product Highlights
- Leader Class First Edition Optimus Prime | Transformers 4 AOE Age of Extinction
- Manufacturer By – Hasbro
- MISB (Mint in Sealed Box)Case Fresh From a Factory Sealed Case