Make fast work of chopping a wide variety of vegetables with this clever, compact design. To start, simply cut vegetables into large pieces, approximately 6 cm square. Remove the top cup from the base and place a vegetable piece on the base unit. Using the guide arms, slide the top cup back onto the unit and push down. The sharp, stainless-steel blades slice through the veg with ease and the chopped pieces are neatly collected in the cup. Depending on the vegetable, you can either empty the cup or continue chopping more pieces until the cup is full. It’s perfect for quickly chopping onions or for making chips or sticks from potatoes, carrots and courgettes. After use the product dismantles for easy cleaning. Dishwasher safe.
Product Highlights
- Perfect for chopping onions and making chips or sticks from potatoes, carrots and courgettes.
- Sharp, stainless-steel blades
- Collects chopped pieces as it cuts
- Fast and easy to use
- Dismantles for easy cleaning