Deracine is a brand new story adventure created by the renowned Bloodborne developer, From Software, available exclusively on PSVR. As a spirit in a secluded boarding school, the player must prove its existence and build a unique bond with the students as the world is uncovered through discovery and exploration. As the mystery of the story unfolds, the spirit must travel in time to change the fate of the pupils. IMMERSIVE VR EXPERIENCE Deracine utilizes PSVR technology to fully immerse players as a spirit being and allows them to experience an intensely emotional story. Feeling a sense of existence will be a crucial part of the adventure. Hailing from developer, Hidetaka Miyazaki, Deracine features a unique and sorrowful story that takes players through a vast range of emotions, from isolation and sorrow to happiness and gratification.
Product Highlights
- Free range exploration to discvoer clues that leads to uncovering more of the story.
- Solve puzzles and complete task to establish a connection with living entities in the world
- Compelling and original story filed with vast range of emotions.