Goku AKA Kakarot is a Saiyan initially sent to take over the Earth as a child. After losing his memory, his good-hearted nature comes out. Goku is obsessed with training and pushing his limits against any opponent, no matter how much stronger the opponent is, which has made Goku Earth’s greatest defender from evil. Dragon Ball Super fans can now imagine the biggest battles and moments with the 6.5-inch Dragon Ball Super Dragon Stars figures that have over 16 points of articulation. Bandai’s Dragon Ball Super Dragon Star figures have amazing style and decoration that incorporates the quality and playability fans love.
Product Highlights
- The Dragon stars series is comprised of the most highly detailed and articulated figures in the Dragon Ball Super line
- Standing at 6.5 inches and having 16 or more points of articulation and additional hands, these figures can be posed in hundreds of positions
- The ongoing collectible series will include many characters from Dragon ball’s rich history
- Premium collector’s packaging