Choose from over 500,000 movies and TV episodes, including thousands of titles in brilliant 4K Ultra HD, HDR, HDR10+, or Dolby Vision. Enjoy favorites from Netflix, YouTube, Prime Video, Disney+, Apple TV, STARZ, SHOWTIME, CBS All Access, and others, plus stream for free with Tubi, IMDB TV and the News app on Fire TV.
Access websites such as Facebook and Reddit with browsers like Amazon Silk and Firefox. Stream millions of songs and use your voice to request a song, artist, playlist, or control playback through services like Amazon Music, Apple Music, Spotify, Pandora, and iHeartRadio. Subscription fees may apply.
Product Highlights
- The fastest, most powerful Fire TV.
- From across the room, just ask Alexa to turn on the TV, dim the lights, and play your show.
- Control compatible soundbar and A/V receiver, and change live cable or satellite channels with your voice.
- With the built-in speaker, ask Alexa to check the weather, turn off the lights, and more – even when the TV is off.
- Instant access to 4K ultra HD content, plus support for Dolby Vision and HDR, HDR10+.
- Designed to protect your privacy – Built with privacy protections and controls, including a microphone off button that electronically disconnects the microphones.
- Watch favorites from Netflix, YouTube, Prime Video, Disney+, Apple TV+, HBO Max, and more. Stream for free with Pluto TV, IMDb TV, and more.
- 1-year complimentary Food Network Kitchen subscription included.